Monday, May 21, 2012

W.O.W. 5/21/2012

Lisa Hanging Out   
3 Rounds:
Upper Body
20- Jumping Jacks
10- Push Ups
10- Over Head Press
10- Bicep Curls
10- Tricep Kickbacks
20 each leg- Mountain Climbers
- Jog/Sprint 50 yards (Indoors: Jog in place for 1 minute.)
20- Crunches

3 Rounds:
Lower Body
20- Jumping Jacks to the Floor (Between each jumping jack touch the floor with both hands.)
10- Squats (10 repetitions followed by holding the squat at the bottom of the exercise for 30 seconds.)
10- Burpees
20 each leg- High Knees (Jog in place except lift knees in front of your body where your quad (thigh) is parallel to the ground.)
- Jog/Sprint 50 yards (Indoors:  Jog in place for 1 minute)
20 each leg- Bicycles

Two Minute Drills with Coach Joe Gibbs-Great Way to Start the Week!

Two Minute Drills with Coach Joe Gibbs

Monday, May 14, 2012

WOW-Workout of the Week-Exercise Outdoors

Let's breathe the fresh air and take advantage of the nice weather and perform this workout outside. time outside with this workout.
Exercise Outdoors
You can do this workout for time such as 30 minutes or 5 total rounds.  Good luck and have fun!
  1. Walking Lunges 25 yards
  2. Jumping Jax- 25x
  3. Push Ups- 10x
  4. Body Weight Squat- 25x
  5. Crunches- 20x
  6. Plank-30-60 seconds
  7. Step Ups- 10 on each leg.   (Find a bench or even a curb and step forward onto elevated block and bring the opposite leg up with knees bent and quad-thigh parallel to ground. Repeat with same leg for prescribed amount of repetitions and then switch to other leg.
  8. Burpees- 10x
Repeat lunging back in the opposite direction. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012


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