Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Still on Track to Reach Your New Year’s Resolutions? If Not, Follow these Simple Guidelines

1. Goal Is Reasonable
One of the most common errors we make when setting goals is devising a goal that is too complicated or unreasonable. For example, you’re sure to fail if you decide, for example, to lose 2 pounds in a week, because with this kind of fast weight loss, you are likely to gain it back again in 1 month. Your goal should be Measurable, Specific, Tangible and Attainable-teacher in me.  If you’re not sure if your goal is reasonable, ask your fitness specialist.
2. Visualize Your Goal
Visualize the moment when you have achieved your goal. Remember as many details as possible plant those feelings in your mind because those are the feelings you’ll have when you’ve achieved your goal!. Use it to motivate yourself when you need a little extra push.
3. Put Your Goal In Writing.  Journal.
There’s power in words!  The written words serves as a reminder.  Share your goals with someone to hold you accountable. Read your goals aloud daily and even when you are about to have a “weak” moment.  Place your goals around you in several prominent spots around you.  Journal your feelings, difficult moments, progress, achievements and so on. 
4. The Stairway To Success
Devise a plan of action and stick to it. It can be flexible, but work to commit to it as much as you can. It should be made up of specific, intermediate steps toward your goal.  Contact a certified proven fitness expert to devise a specific plan of action for you.  This way, you don’t have to think even more. 
5. One Lunge At A Time
Once you’ve defined your goal and devised a plan of action, take small steps. Success breeds success! But remember, you must maintain a constant pace. Try to create a habit out of it, which only comes through repetition.

7. Journey On My Friend!
Realize that it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. That’s why you should stay sharp: keep learning, keep reading, and improve something about yourself daily. Not  only will your body thank you but your mind will as well.
8. Don’t Try To Be Superwoman
Don’t try to be Superwoman or Superman, and don’t rely only on yourself. To achieve your goal, it is critical to have support. The role of your support person/group is to encourage and listen to you.
9. Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Reaching a goals or goals isn’t always easy. We tend to be harder on ourselves than with others. Remember that there is no such thing as a mistake, only a result we can learn from. Everything that we see as negative can be taken as a learning experience to grow and move forward, so be grateful for that opportunity and take advantage of it. Motivate yourself instead of criticizing yourself.
10. Above All, ENJOY!!
Enjoy each step.  Reward yourself for accomplishments along the way.

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