Wednesday, February 29, 2012

5 "Healthy" Foods to Avoid

Phrases and words such as “low fat,” “high fiber,” “multigrain” and “natural” can fool even the most sophisticated customers into believing what they’re buying is healthful. My advice... Make a habit of reading the ingredients list, not just the Nutrition Facts panel.

1-Reduced-Fat Peanut Butter 
The oil is the healthiest part of a nut, containing most of the nutrients. The most healthy types of "nut" butter are almond butter and pistachio butter.   Eat one tablespoon of nut butter or
one or two ounces of nuts daily.  This regiment is associated with reductions in heart disease and cancer risk. A Harvard study showed that eating nuts is associated with lower body weights.
2-Enhanced Water
Drinks such as vitaminwaters can be sugary drinks with a vitamin pill.  Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard’s School of Public Health believes that vitamins dissolved in water may not have any benefit depending on your biological makeup and whether you already get enough vitamins and minerals in your everyday diet.
Drink water.  It’s the best drink for hydrating your body, is naturally calorie-free and can contain fluoride to prevent tooth decay. No supplement matches the nutrients in whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains.
3-Energy Bars/Meal Replacement Bars 
These type bars can be calorie bombs: candy bars with vitamins, protein or fiber added. For most of them, sugar is either the first  or second ingredient. Snack on fruit, veggies, protein for weight loss and muscle gain.

4-Multigrain Foods
Make sure your multigrain breads, crackers and cereals are whole grain foods.  Eating whole grains can lower the incidence of diabetes, heart disease and cancers, and weight gain. Note that when “enriched wheat flour” is listed in the ingredients, that’s refined flour.  Whole grain examples are whole wheat, whole oats or brown rice, and should be the first and preferably the only grain in the ingredient list.
5-Non-Fried Chips & Crackers
It’s easy to believe these foods are healthful because of labels such as “baked,” “low fat” or “gluten free.” Most are made with refined grain or starch, which provide a lot of calories and few nutrients. Research shows that too many refined grains and starches in your diet increase the risk for heart disease, cancers, diabetes and weight gain. Try to eat chips made of whole grains rather than potatoes.  These chips can legitimately be considered a health food.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

WOW #8 "I Workout!"

My beautiful daughter and I
I don't know about you, but when I'm out and about, I love it when people ask me if I workout.  It's external confirmation that I am working on myself not only physically but mentally. 
Here's the workout for the week.  Let me know your thoughts or if you have any questions. 
Have fun!

WOW #8
5 Rounds:  (Time yourself to use as a baseline.)
  1. 5 Pull Ups (You can modify with Lat Pull Downs or Rear Delt Flyes)
  2. 10 Push Ups
  3. 15 Sit Ups
  4. 20  Body Weight Squats
  5. 25 Jumping Jacks
*If you like this workout, please like on my Facebook Page!/FemaleandFit

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

13.25 Inches Lost! 9 Pounds Gone! 2.3 % Body Fat Melted Away! in 21 DAYS!!!

28- Day Transformation Boot Camp
 13.25 Inches Lost!
9 Pounds Lost!
2.3 % Body Fat Lost!  in 21 days!!!!

Results like these are intended to be accomplished if you follow the 28- Day Transformation Boot Camp Program. 

This Boot Camp is an indoor/outdoor (depending on weather) program that will encompass intense sessions with me, plus make up sessions and a cardio program in between our face-to face sessions over 28 days beginning Friday, March 2nd.  You’ll get the best results by attending all sessions and adhering to the nutrition program that I provide you.

Here’s what you need to know:

                *The program start date is Friday, March 2nd 6am-7am

                *Following sessions are held Monday/Wednesday/Friday:  3/5, 3/7, 3/9, 3/12, 3/14, 3/16, 3/19, 3/21, 3/23, 3/26, 3/28 and 3/30 at the same time.

                *In addition, I am adding a 4th session to the week on Saturdays on 3/17 and 3/24 for make- up sessions or for additional workouts.  The previous boot campers chose to take advantage of the extra "umph" workouts.          

                  *I’m also including a 28-Day Meal Plan to help you get faster results! 

                  *Before & After Body Composition Analyses pre- and post Boot Camp are FREE to you as well. 

                *The total price is $270.00.  That’s less than $10 per day and includes a 28 Day Meal Plan! Far less then any other Boot Camp in the DC area and taking place in the luxury of your own apartment building.

                  *We celebrate your accomplishment with a Boot Camp Graduation Party with all of the Female & Fit Clients.  This is always a blast!

                *In order to reserve your spot, a $50 deposit is required.  Please go to , click on “Let’s Get Started”, scroll down to the bottom and choose your payment plan. 

If you have any questions between now and then, please feel free to call/text/email me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

WOW #7 (Workout of the Week)

3 Rounds of 10-12 Repetitions:
Lower Body:
1-Squats  (These can be done using a barbell or dumbells held in hands with arms hanging down.  Make sure that you squeeze your rear end on the way up and keep knees behind toes, by lifting up toes in shoes.)
2-Leg Press
3-Overhead Forward Dumbell Lunges  (You can use 1 or 2 dumbells placed in hands with arms fully extended over head, be sure not to hyperextend your elbows.  You may lunge by walking 10 steps each or standing in one place alternating between each leg 10 times each.)
4-Dumbell Reverse Lunges  (See the instructions for the overhead Forward Dumbell Lunges, except that you take a step back.)

3 Rounds of 12-15 Repetitions:
Upper Body:
1-Inclined Dumbell Chest Press
2-Bent Over Barbell Rows  (These can be done using a barbell or dumbells held in hands with arms hanging down and then moving them to your chest while in a bent over position.  Your hinge point is your hip.  Make sure that your back is flat and have "soft" knees.)
3-Cable Machine Crossovers Flyes
4-Lat Pull Downs
5-Cable Machine Bicep Curls
6-Cable Machine Tricep Push Downs

3 Rounds of 20 Repetitions:
3-Reverse Crunches

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post.  I'd love to hear from you.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lost 10.2 Pounds, Down 14.5 Inches, Dropped 1.2% Body Fat! Impressed? You Should Be...

AP started Female & Fit's Nutrition Program 12 weeks ago and due to her busy schedule as a student and working full time, I didn't see her again until a week ago. When she walked through the door, my jaw dropped. She looked completely different. Not only was she smaller, tighter and more tone, she was smiling again, excited about life and proud of herself-not as proud as I was of her.
Her results are amazing! She has lost 10.2 pounds, down 14.5 inches, dropped 1.2% body fat and removed 2.2 points off her BMI!
This is what she had to say, "I attribute the results to a combination of sticking to your advice about carbs, Paleo themed diet and trying crossfit exercises. You can write whatever you'd like or I can write something. Thanks for all of your encouragement and help with my work in progress! It's really helped!" I can't wait to see her new results in a few weeks.

Want this to be you? Read more about the Female & Fit Nutrition Program Introducing the “Nutrition Coach”

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Use It or Lose It!

“You need a consistent, year-round program in order to stay well, physically and psychologically. Regular exercise can positively impact mood, weight control, energy level, stress and sleep.   A 2010 study found that adults who worked out on a consistent basis had significantly lower rates of depression than those whose exercise regime was irregular. 
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why is it so easy to lose what I’ve gained when I take a break from exercise and so quick to gain weight?”   Research has also shown that a hiatus from training can result in added pounds that are difficult to shed, even once you start exercising again.  “You will lose whatever advantages you’ve gained over time and be back down to couch potato status within three to six months, but the effect of inactivity starts within DAYS,” says exercise physiologist J.P. Hyatt, an associate professor in the Department of Human Science in the School of Nursing and Health Studies at Georgetown University. For starters, he points out that cardiopulmonary fitness can decrease by 20 % within three to eight weeks of stopping your workouts.

Brrr…It’s cold outside.  The warm side of this frigid weather,  As soon as you start exercising at a reasonably high level , about 40 percent of the energy you consume is lost as heat, and so your body very quickly warms up.

Monday, February 13, 2012

WOW #6

3 Rounds of 12-15 reps each  Have fun!

1-Push Ups
2-Supine Rows:  Demo is with TRX, if you do not have a TRX, you can do this with any elevated bar
TRX ® Back Row - Abs, Arms, Back - Get Fit Exercise Library - American Council on Exercise
3-Dumbell Shoulder Overhead Press (use 2 dumbbells)
4-Dumbell Bicep Curls
5-Dumbell Tricep Extensions
6-Dirty Dog - Abs, Butt/Hips - Get Fit Exercise Library - American Council on Exercise
Squats/at the bottom of the 10th rep, hold for 10 seconds, then repeat again for another 10 reps (that's 1 set)
7-Stiff Leg DeadLifts
Hip Hinge - Butt/Hips, Legs - Thighs - Get Fit Exercise Library - American Council on Exercise
8-Crunch cycles (move your legs in bicycle motion while crunching your torso)  These are killer and I love them!

Let me know what you think!  Committed to your success!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Still on Track to Reach Your New Year’s Resolutions? If Not, Follow these Simple Guidelines

1. Goal Is Reasonable
One of the most common errors we make when setting goals is devising a goal that is too complicated or unreasonable. For example, you’re sure to fail if you decide, for example, to lose 2 pounds in a week, because with this kind of fast weight loss, you are likely to gain it back again in 1 month. Your goal should be Measurable, Specific, Tangible and Attainable-teacher in me.  If you’re not sure if your goal is reasonable, ask your fitness specialist.
2. Visualize Your Goal
Visualize the moment when you have achieved your goal. Remember as many details as possible plant those feelings in your mind because those are the feelings you’ll have when you’ve achieved your goal!. Use it to motivate yourself when you need a little extra push.
3. Put Your Goal In Writing.  Journal.
There’s power in words!  The written words serves as a reminder.  Share your goals with someone to hold you accountable. Read your goals aloud daily and even when you are about to have a “weak” moment.  Place your goals around you in several prominent spots around you.  Journal your feelings, difficult moments, progress, achievements and so on. 
4. The Stairway To Success
Devise a plan of action and stick to it. It can be flexible, but work to commit to it as much as you can. It should be made up of specific, intermediate steps toward your goal.  Contact a certified proven fitness expert to devise a specific plan of action for you.  This way, you don’t have to think even more. 
5. One Lunge At A Time
Once you’ve defined your goal and devised a plan of action, take small steps. Success breeds success! But remember, you must maintain a constant pace. Try to create a habit out of it, which only comes through repetition.

7. Journey On My Friend!
Realize that it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. That’s why you should stay sharp: keep learning, keep reading, and improve something about yourself daily. Not  only will your body thank you but your mind will as well.
8. Don’t Try To Be Superwoman
Don’t try to be Superwoman or Superman, and don’t rely only on yourself. To achieve your goal, it is critical to have support. The role of your support person/group is to encourage and listen to you.
9. Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Reaching a goals or goals isn’t always easy. We tend to be harder on ourselves than with others. Remember that there is no such thing as a mistake, only a result we can learn from. Everything that we see as negative can be taken as a learning experience to grow and move forward, so be grateful for that opportunity and take advantage of it. Motivate yourself instead of criticizing yourself.
10. Above All, ENJOY!!
Enjoy each step.  Reward yourself for accomplishments along the way.

Monday, February 6, 2012

WOW #5

2-3 Rounds:
12-15 Dumbbell Floor Press in Bridge Position
12-15 each armSingle Arm Rows
12-15 Over Head Press
20 Swings
20 Crunch Cycles (Crunches w/ feet moving in bicycle motion)
20 Dumbbell Squats
20 Dumbbell Stiff Leg Dead Lifts
10 Burpees

*Run 10 x 50 meter sprints.

Friday, February 3, 2012

SuperBowl Healthy Snacks

SuperBowl Healthy Snacks! for you. 
One of my clients sent me this link for easy to prepare healthy superbowl snacks.  If you have any healthy snacks you'd like to share, please post.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lose Weight, Keep Weight Off....How?

How does one lose weight, keep the weight off and maintain a healthy body weight? 


Why do leaner people have a higher metabolism than fatter people?   More lean people have more lean muscle.  Muscle burns about  50 times more calories than fat.  So if you want to lose weight, keep the weight off and maintain a healthy body weight gain more lean muscle.  How do we gain lean muscle mass?  Thought you’d never ask…
#1:  Resistance training builds lean muscle and is ESSENTIAL to boosting your metabolism and keeping the weight off for good.
#2:  A study in The Journal Obesity Research found that the best predictors for weight maintenance after weight loss were the following:
  • Dietary restraint during weight loss
  • High baseline resting metabolic rate (as a result of resistance training)
  • Stable body weight, few excessive fluctuations in weight gain/loss
  • Low frequency of dieting
#3:   You can’t maintain a healthy weight without consistent effort towards improving your lifestyle. This means healthy eating and resistance training workouts become a part of your lifestyle.  Battling excess weight becomes less of a burden.
Why is lifestyle important?  Being fat is in your jeans!  That may be partially true, however, researchers found that the  “weight regain” in formerly obese persons is a constant without a change in nutrition and exercise. 

So...let’s boost your metabolic rate (which doesn’t occur by spending endless hours doing cardio and following low carbohydrate diets!

5 Tips to Rev Up a Fat Burning Metabolism:
Lean muscle doesn’t come about by doing cardio 7 days a week. You need to stress your muscles to develop them. Use your body weight, resistance bands, machines, dumbbells, or any other form of resistance.
2. Eat RAW Food Daily
High amounts of food enzymes found in raw foods allow your body to expend more energy on metabolism and less on digestion.
3. Eat Small Meals Throughout the Day
Keep the fire burning by adding small amounts of wood to it throughout the day. This is more effective than stuffing your face full of food once or twice a day.
4. Drink GREEN TEA
Green tea has been shown to boost metabolism. Researchers believe that antioxidants in green tea can cause the body to burn calories as heat, which increases your caloric burn.
5. Spice Up Your Meals
These herbs and spices are speed up your metabolism: cayenne pepper, jalapeno peppers, ginger, peppermint, and cinnamon – just to name a few

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Which is Better, Weight Loss or Inch Loss?

The University of Maryland Medical Center calculates that you can expect to lose 1-1.5 lbs a week safely, that's 6 lbs a month (18 lbs for 3 months).  Realistically speaking, weight loss at this pace can be discouraging but more important it is sustainable!
You can actually lose absolutely no weight and lose inches. The way you do this is to eat enough, lift heavy weights so you are gaining some muscle mass.

The reason this works is muscle is more dense than fat. So, if you are losing fat and exercising you are exchanging some fat for some muscle. You might not lose a lot of weight but you are losing inches that way.

Muscle is more compact than fat, therefore you can lose inches more quickly than weight.  The results you would expect to see are loss in clothes’ size. 

Remember, at the beginning of any weight loss/nutrition/exercise program, you can see dramatic weight loss (mostly due to water loss) which will later plateau as your body goes into “starvation” mode.  This will subside and your weight loss/inch loss will be back on track. 

Burn the calories in exercise and control your diet to use the fat stored there. Your body adapts slowly, it fights against change! Give yourself 4-6 weeks for REAL change to happen. That should be about 10 pounds.
To lose as many inches as possible, you need to incorporate weight lifting with your cardio exercise. You can even burn up to 30 percent more calories when combining weight lifting and cardio circuit training into one workout, according to the "Fitness Magazine" website.   Female & Fit incorporates resistance, cardio, and high intensity interval training into each workout for maximum caloric burn during and after the workout!